Since the reform of the calculation of housing assistance and the arrival of new computer software at the CAF, anomalies have accumulated in the processing of applications for social benefits.

APL, RSA: Why Do Thousands of CAF Beneficiaries have Problems with their Aid?

Since the start of 2021, 120,000 to 180,000 CAF beneficiaries have been confronted with anomalies in the payment of their rights. At issue: the reform of housing assistance. Late payments, unpaid allowances, undue claims unjustifiably, blocked files … For several months, some  CAF beneficiaries have been tearing their hair out to collect their rights, in particular housing assistance .  “My […]

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What's Being Done to Reduce the Poverty Rate in France ?

What’s Being Done to Reduce the Poverty Rate in France ?

What’s Being Done to Reduce the Poverty Rate in France ? As April 15th’s devastating fire at Notre-Dame de Paris raged on, President Emmanuel Macron canceled his televised speech addressing the “yellow vest” movement and the great debate, scheduled for the same night. The so-called yellow vest protests have been an ongoing issue for Macron […]

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