The coronavirus Covid-19 incidence rate is falling in the Charente

Covid-19: The Incidence Rate is Falling in Charente… But Not the Positivity

EPIDEMIC: The incidence rate in the Charente was halved. But the number of coronavirus Covid-19 tests carried out also A spectacular drop in the incidence rate of the coronavirus Covid-19 in Charente. From 243 / 100,000 inhabitants during the peak of March 29, to 120 / 100,000 inhabitants on April 29! Or a halving of this indicator, scrutinized […]

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Deconfinement: Travel, cinema, festivals… What place for the health pass?

Deconfinement: Travel, Cinema, Festivals… What Place for the Health Pass?

HEALTH:  The government is considering setting up the health pass, which is currently being tested for flights to Corsica… The government is currently experimenting with a health pass for flights to Corsica. The use of this digital tool, making it possible to justify a negative test – and tomorrow a vaccination certificate – is today limited […]

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Coronavirus in the Marne: 140 patients who came to be vaccinated were mistakenly injected with physiological serum

Coronavirus in the Marne: 140 Patients who Came to be Vaccinated were Mistakenly Injected with Physiological Serum

VACCINE: “This injection is without consequence for health”, declared the hospital centre of Reims One hundred and forty patients, who came to be vaccinated against coronavirus Covid-19 this Tuesday in a vaccination centre in Epernay ( Marne ), received by mistake an injection of a physiological serum instead of a dose of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. “On Tuesday afternoon, 140 people received an injection […]

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Five new thrombosis cases linked to AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine in France

Coronavirus: Five New Cases of Thrombosis Linked to AstraZeneca Vaccine in France, Without Death

HEALTH: According to French and European health authorities, the benefits of the AstraZeneca Vaccine continue to far outweigh the very rare risks of thrombosis and side effects. Here are the latest figures for complications from AstraZeneca’s vaccine. Five new cases of atypical thrombosis (clots), associated with AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine, were recorded in France between the 9th and 15th April, but […]

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The EU thinks it can caccinate 70 percent of adults with the Covid-19 vaccine by July

Coronavirus: EU Thinks it can Vaccinate 70% of Adults by July

VACCINATION: European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen relies on accelerated production and new vaccine contracts The European Union hopes to be able to reach the goal set for September of vaccinating 70% of adults against the coronavirus by July, announced the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, this Friday during a visit to a Pfizer factory. -BioNTech […]

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Reopening of schools, terraces, shops ... The calendar is becoming clearer for deconfinement

Deconfinement: Reopening of Schools, Terraces, Shops … The Calendar is Becoming Clearer

EPIDEMIC: As in the Autumn, the lifting of the restrictive confinement measures should be done very gradually. Despite a still fragile decline in the epidemic, the executive is maintaining its goal of gradually lifting the restrictions in May, removing the 10 km limit on May 3rd and reopening the terraces in mid-May. The overall number of […]

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Chatelet during the curfew at 6 p.m.

Coronavirus: What if We Put an End to the Curfew?

EPIDEMIC: In some areas, it has been six months since the curfew was introduced. What if it was time to lift it for good? On the 17th October 2020, Ile-de-France and eight French metropolises entered into curfew. Six months to the day later, France is still under curfew. A measure ineffective, unpopular, even downright unlivable with the return […]

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Didier Raoult: “We can see that there are people who get infections after vaccination”

Didier Raoult: “We Can See That There are People Who Get Infections After Vaccination”

Pr Didier Raoult, in his last video, confirmed that vaccinated people can be infected again. We are at 12’06 from the last interview with Professor Raoult entitled “The origins of variants”. Question: With all these different mutations, will the mutations have consequences on the immunity of the disease? Response from Prof. Raoult : Overall, we are now […]

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Fukushima Reactor No.1, with contaminated water stored in more than 1,000 tanks

Japan to Dump Fukushima Water into Sea after Treatment

The decision by Japan, announced on Tuesday, was denounced by many Asian neighbours, especially because the Fukushima water contains tritium, which is dangerous to health in very high doses. This is the equivalent of more than 400 Olympic swimming pools. Japan will discharge into the sea, after treatment, water from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant, Prime […]

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Between mistrust and restrictions, what future for the AstraZeneca vaccine?

Between Mistrust and Restrictions, What Future for the AstraZeneca Vaccine?

People under 55 who have already received a dose of AstraZeneca will be offered a different vaccine for the second dose. In some departments where the South African virus circulates extensively, the High Authority of Health (HAS) recommends not to use it. Indispensable to the vaccination objectives, will the vaccine remain stranded? The storm never ends for […]

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