"We are going towards the liquidation of San Marina"

“We Are Going Towards the Liquidation of San Marina” … The Shoe Brand has Hope in the Socks

SHOES: The Commercial Court of Marseille will rule on February 20 on the future of the shoe brand. The Commercial Court of Marseilles has deliberated on Monday, February 20, its decision concerning the future of San Marina. Employees of the shoe brand are preparing for the inevitable, and particularly regret “a lack of risk in the […]

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The ready-to-wear brand Kookaï announces its placement in receivership

The Ready-to-Wear Brand Kookaï Announces its Placement in Receivership

RETAIL: The company, Kookaï, sees it as “an opportunity to bounce back and improve its financial situation” It is “not an end in itself”, assures the sign. This Wednesday, Kookaï announced its placement in receivership due “to the economic difficulties encountered by the ready-to-wear sector in Europe, which the Covid-19 crisis has only accentuated”, according to a press release from the […]

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Flybe airline ceases operations and cancels all flights

Flybe Airline Ceases Operations and Cancels All Flights

CRISIS: The British Civil Aviation Authority has asked passengers who have booked a flight on Flybe not to come to the airport The British airline Flybe announced on Saturday that it had ceased operations and cancelled all its flights. “We are sad to report that Flybe has been placed in (judicial) administration,” the company tweeted. “Flybe […]

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Inflation: Bakers at the heart of a new battle between the government and the opposition

Inflation: Bakers at the Heart of a New Battle Between the Government and the Opposition

BREAD ON THE BOARD: The executive has announced new measures to support businesses in difficulty, but the opposition accuses the government of “letting bakers die” Many bakers have denounced in recent weeks soaring prices, and in particular the increase in their energy bills, which threaten them with bankruptcy. Faced with anger, the government announced several aids […]

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The Celio brand buys the Camaïeu brand for 1.8 million euros

The Celio Brand Buys the Camaïeu Brand for 1.8 Million Euros

CLOTHING: In a press release, Celio France underlined its desire to “revive this iconic French brand, known and loved by several million women” thanks to its “expertise” 1.8 million euros. This is the amount for which the men’s ready-to-wear brand Celio bought the Camaïeu brand on Wednesday. The takeover took place during an auction near Lille, its president displaying the […]

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Coronavirus: Sanofi to Stop Development of its Messenger RNA Vaccine 1

Coronavirus: Sanofi to Stop Development of its Messenger RNA Vaccine

EPIDEMIC: The French laboratory, Sanofi judges that the vaccine would arrive too late on the market Too late, Sanofi drops the development of its messenger RNA vaccine against Covid-19. Despite positive intermediate results for phase 1-2 of the trial of its messenger RNA vaccine, the French laboratory believes that the latter would arrive too late on the market, he said on […]

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Coronavirus in Brittany: An easing of restrictions in the region? "We must consider it," said an epidemiologist

Coronavirus in Brittany: An Easing of Restrictions in the Region? “We Must Consider It,” said an Epidemiologist

EPIDEMIC: The Brittany region is the least affected by the coronavirus Covid-19 epidemic and sees its hospital pressure drop In Brittany, elected officials are calling for a reduction in the health measures imposed by the French state to fight against the coronavirus Covid-19 epidemic. The incidence rate is lower there than anywhere else and hospital pressure […]

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A leather goods store in Nantes city centre

Nantes Métropole Will Be Paying 3 Million Euros to Closed Businesses

SUPPORT: The city council of Nantes is making the aid of 750 euros available for the November rent of businesses forced to close. No less than 4,300 businesses in the Nantes metropolis had to close their doors due to the second confinement imposed by the state. Bars and restaurants have not been allowed to reopen since. To “help them” and […]

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Amazon would like to design its own cryptocurrency

Amazon Shows Interest in Cryptocurrencies

E-COMMERCE: Jeff Bezos’ company, Amazon is reportedly set to launch cryptocurrency testing in Mexico Amazon could very soon add a string to its bow. In addition to its own e-commerce products and video streaming platform, Amazon could also enter the cryptocurrency market. Several job offers have recently been published in this regard. If the American company does not […]

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Biden keeps Huawei on blacklist - Geeko

Huawei Remains on US Blacklist Despite Joe Biden Coming to Power

COMMERCIAL WAR: Chinese manufacturer Huawei, has faced numerous accusations of spying on behalf of China during the Trump administration The arrival of Joe Biden as President of the United States was synonymous with hope and renewal for Huawei and foreshadowed a relaxation of trade restrictions imposed on American companies that wanted to work with the Chinese company. But the […]

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