28 departments are placed on orange alert to thunderstorms this Tuesday

Thunderstorms and Floods: 28 Departments on Orange Alert

This Tuesday 5th June, Meteo France has placed 28 departments in eastern, central and southern France on orange alert because of a new stormy episode. The forecasts. France does not have time to recover from a stormy episode, a new land. This Tuesday 5th June,  28 departments of Normandy, East, Central and South, were placed on orange alert , said Meteo […]

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42 departments are on orange alert for severe thunderstorms

Severe Thunderstorms: 42 Departments on Orange Alert, Record Number of Lightning Strikes in May

This Wednesday, Meteo France has placed 42 departments of Aquitaine to the Grand est on orange alert because of violent thunderstorms expected at the end of the day. 42 departments of Aquitaine, Occitanie, central France and North-East were placed in orange alert for severe storms and thunderstorms.  The episode is expected at the end of the day, […]

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39 departments are on Orange Alert for Thunderstorms

Violent Thunderstorms: 39 Departments in Orange Alert

This Wednesday morning, Meteo France has placed 39 departments from Aquitaine to the Grand Est on alert because of violent thunderstorms expected at the end of the day. New alert to violent storms . 39 departments of Aquitaine, Occitania, central France and the North-East were placed in orange alert . The episode is expected at the end of the day, this […]

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A National Tribute to Hero Gendarme who died after attack in Trèbes

Attack of Trèbes: A National Tribute to Arnaud Beltrame, the Gendarme who Became a “hero”

The Elysee announced Saturday night that a national tribute will be given to Arnaud Beltrame, the gendarme who took the place of a hostage in Trèbes, during the terrorist attack in Aube. Lieutenant-Colonel Gendarmerie Arnaud Beltrame , who died after replacing a hostage of the jihadist killer of Aude, aroused admiration Saturday in France for being faithful until […]

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Flowers laid after a march on 8 October 2017 in London in tribute to Sophie Lionnet, a French au pair found dead in September

French Au-Pair Killed in London: The Alleged Murderers in Court

This Monday opens the trial of the employers of Sophie Lionnet, a 21-year-old au-pair from Troyes, whose body was found burned in London. The trial of the alleged murderers of Sophie Lionnet, a young French au-pair whose charred body was found at the end of September in the garden of her employers in London , opens Monday in the criminal court […]

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Ten departments are on Orange alert for Snow and Ice

Snow and Ice: 10 Departments of the North and East on Orange Alert

Meteo France has maintained the orange alert in 10 departments of the North and East for snow and ice. The forecasts. Ten departments of eastern France are placed in orange alert Sunday due to chance of snow and especially ice, announced early in the morning Meteo France. Aisne, Ardennes, Aube, Marne, Haute-Marne, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Meuse, Moselle, Vosges and the Nord are […]

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Meteo France has placed seven departments on Orange Alert for heavy rainfall

Weather: Seven Departments Placed in Orange Alert for Heavy Rain

Seven departments of the North-East of France were placed on Orange alert because of expected heavy rains, announced this Wednesday morning by Meteo France. The period of vigilance extends this Wednesday from 6am to 9pm on Thursday. Meteo France placed the seven departments and the North East of France in amber alert because of heavy rains and […]

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Orange alert in 17 departments for thunderstorms

Thunderstorms: The Orange Alert in 17 Departments held Tuesday Morning

Meteo France placed 17 departments of central and northeast orange alert for thunderstorms Tuesday morning through to Midnight on Wednesday Seventeen departments are now placed in orange alert for storms, according to the bulletin at 6am from Meteo France. The alert concerns the departments of Aube, Côte-d’Or, Doubs, Jura, the Marne, Haute-Marne, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Meuse, the […]

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Meteo France has placed 17 departments on Orange Alert for thunderstorms and rain

Thunderstorms: Seventeen Departments Placed on Orange Alert

WEATHER: Seventeen departments, from the Ile-de-France to Corrèze, have been placed on Orange Alert and are affected by this stormy episode … Météo-France  extends its call for vigilance. The agency placed the seventeen departments in orange alert Sunday due to strong thunderstorms expected in the evening and at night. The departments concerned are Paris and the inner suburbs, Yvelines, Seine-et-Marne, […]

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14 departments are still on orange alert in France

Thunderstorms: 14 Departments still on Orange Alert

Fourteen departments of France, are still placed on orange alert for severe thunderstorms, announced Météo-France on Saturday morning. The departments affected by this alert are: Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin, Territoire de Belfort, gentle, Jura, Haute-Saône, Aube, Côte-d’Or, Haute-Marne, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Moselle, the Saône-et-Loire, the Vosges and the Yonne. Intense electrical thunderstorm activity The alert was lifted in the Haute-Vienne, Corrèze, […]

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