<h2Dramatic incident in the Vincent Lambert case: the Court of Appeal ordered Monday 20th May, 2019 the resumption of treatments interrupted the same morning, after a recourse of parents.
A dramatic twist in the Vincent Lambert case : the Paris Court of Appeal ordered Monday, May 20, 2019 the reinstatement of treatments to keep him alive, interrupted the same morning by his doctor, a “great victory” for his parents, “pure sadism” for his nephew.
The court “orders the French State (…) to take all measures to enforce the interim measures requested by the International Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on 3 May 2019 for the maintenance of food and hydration” Vincent Lambert, according to the decision consulted by AFP.
The UN CRPD had asked France to postpone the cessation of treatment pending a review of the case on the merits, but France considered that the suspension of the discontinuation of treatments recommended by the CIDPH “is devoid of binding nature”, highlighting the “right of the patient not to suffer unreasonable obstinacy”.
On Friday, at first instance, the Paris court declared itself incompetent to enforce this request.
The CHRU of Reims had already launched and stopped two procedures of stopping care, one carried by Dr. Eric Kariger in 2013, the other by his successor, Dr. Daniéla Simon in 2015.
In the Paris demonstration that gathered several hundred people claiming “life for Vincent”, a huge clamor sounded when one of his parents’ lawyers, Me Jérôme Triomphe, announced their victory to the crowd, noted a journalist from AFP. ” We won ! Vincent must live, Vincent will live! It’s the remontada! “ , He shouted.

Read also: The cessation of Vincent Lambert’s care began, a “madness” for his parents
Parents’ lawyers at the hospital
The lawyers of Vincent Lambert’s parents are expected on Tuesday morning at the hospital in Reims to check the recovery, at least temporarily, treatment of this quadriplegic in a vegetative state for ten years, ordered, to the surprise, by the Court of Appeal from Paris.
“Jérôme Triomphe and I will go tomorrow morning to Reims to ensure that food and hydration will be taken over,” added his colleague, Jean Paillot, noting that this was only a “Provisional decision” of “six months duration, allowing the UN Committee to study the file”.
The new interruption of treatment, coupled with the implementation of a “deep and continuous sedation”, began Monday morning, in accordance with a medical decision signed by Dr. Vincent Sanchez in April 2018, supported by a part of the family of which his wife Rachel Lambert and validated by the Council of State at the end of April.
The family cut in half
So far, all the final appeals filed by the parents’ lawyers – European Court of Human Rights, administrative court – had failed. And President Emmanuel Macron, to whom they had written Saturday to implore him to intervene, had responded Monday that it was not his “suspension” stop treatment, decided, “in accordance with our laws”, just days before the European elections.
The family is divided into two camps, one side around his parents, fervent Catholics opposed to the cessation of treatment, the other around his wife Rachel and nephew Francis, who intend to end this “relentless therapeutic And claim that the ex-nurse had taken a stand against any relentless treatment. Vincent Lambert did not leave a written advance directive.
A family split still clearly perceptible Monday night. “We were eliminating Vincent! It’s a very big victory! They will replenish it and give it back to drink. For once, I am proud of justice, ” said a jubilant mother.
On the other hand, Vincent Lambert’s nephew, François, who was in favor of stopping treatment, denounced “pure sadism on the part of the medico-legal system”.
“We’re done again all the time. There is enjoyment on the part of those who make all these remedies. It is pure sadism on the part of the medico-judicial system.”
Faced with this “incredible” decision of the Court of Appeal, he raised with AFP a possible appeal in cassation CHRU.
President of the Right to Die Dignity Association, Jean-Luc Romero lamented Monday night “a relentless parents, Vincent Lambert found himself in the middle of an affair that exceeds him.”
“I hope that after this judgment (…) Vincent Lambert will finally be transferred quickly and in a service adapted to people in a paucirelational state (minimum state of consciousness ed). He has nothing to do at the University Hospital of Reims, “reacted for his part on Twitter psychologist Marie de Hennezel, specialist end-of-life support.
Read also: Lambert case. This dad wants a referendum on euthanasia, for his son hospitalized in Rouen