Serious Accident at Cannes 2019: An Actress Impales Herself on the Gates of Her Residence after Losing Her Keys

Serious accident at Cannes 2019: an actress impales herself on the gates of her residence after losing her keys

A woman in her forties came close to the worst on the night of Friday to Saturday in Cannes. She had to be hospitalised urgently.

Tragic event at the 72nd Cannes Film Festival this weekend! As she was returning to the residence where she was staying during the fortnight of the event, a 40-year-old actress from Germany realised that she did not have her keys to access her house. apartment in front of the residence located avenue du Roi-Albert-I. According to Nice-Matin , it was at that moment that she decided to go over the gate to her apartment .

Identity still unknown, this festival woman who would be an actress would have fallen while trying to climb over the barrier of his residence . If we do not know the precise circumstances of the accident, we know that it accidentally stumbled during his ascent. The barriers with peaks, the unfortunate would have literally impaled on the grid of his building .

Totally trapped by a peak that would have pierced her thigh from side to side, she managed to get out of this hell only the arrival of firefighters who cut the portal . In a serious state, the daily Nice-Matin says that the vital prognosis of the actress would not be known at this time . A very serious accident that does not seem to have interrupted the festivities of Cannes. The show must go on …

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