On Friday 17th May, 2019, thousands of students whose choices had been validated on Parcoursup learned that they were returning to the waiting list after an error.
Thousands of candidate students on Parcoursup had a very unpleasant surprise on Friday 17th May 2019 in the morning. While the day before, one or more of their wishes had been accepted, they discovered that they had returned to the waiting list.
Read also: Parcoursup: the first results are arriving, which is waiting for future students
This bug would not be one according to the Ministry of Higher Education and the Minister Frédérique Vidal who said that the responsibility went to some institutions that would have made mistakes when setting their capacity.
ℹ Des taux anormalement élevés de propositions d’admission ont été constatés par les équipes #Parcoursup pour environ 2% des formations. La situation des candidats concernés a été actualisée afin qu’elle corresponde à la réalité des capacités d’accueil.https://t.co/U4dh6HwiVZ
— Parcoursup (@parcoursup_info) 17 May 2019
According to the administration, about 400 formations were affected. Mainly BTS (Senior Technical Certificates) and to a lesser extent, Arts Schools, Nursing Institutes and Pre-Engineering Classes.
A mail intended to be reassuring
This is the message students have discovered:
‘On May 16, the day after the opening of the admission phase, our teams carried out the usual daily checks. During these checks, they were alerted by abnormally high rates of admission proposals made by some formations in relation to their capacity. This concerns one of the formations to which you have applied. Your file has been updated to reflect this. In your case this means that the admission proposal made to you, given your position on the call list has been changed and can now be “wish pending”.’

For the candidates who thought themselves admitted the shock was very hard. The mail they received from Parcoursup was reassuring and did not have the desired effect. Teachers and school leaders received tears on Friday.
Indignation on social networks
On social networks, students, teachers and even heads of institutions on condition of anonymity do not mince their words.
J’étais 27ème sur la liste d’attente pour l’IFSI où je veux aller et avec le bug je suis passée 40ème, cest hyper frustrant 🙄😤 #Parcoursup
— AMNJ ⭐️⭐️ (@Axelle_Monjal) 17 May 2019
C’est la goutte d’eau ! J’ai des élèves en pleurs dans mon bureau … je n’en peux plus de cette administration, de ces applications qui ne fonctionnent pas, des décisions prises dans la précipitation sans se soucier du terrain !! Trop c’est trop ! #parcousup https://t.co/xySuSBEFzV
— LeProviseurParisien (@LeProviseurPar1) 17 May 2019
According to the ministry, if the students had opted for a proposal for admission and thus renounced the others, they will be restored in compliance with the position on the waiting list. Which should not fail to provoke a domino effect …
The status of some candidates has already changed twice and it is not to reassure them.
Ah bas non mdr ça a encore changer je suis en “attente de place” comment dire que… 😭
Franchement c’est de la grosse merde. Merci de me dire que je suis exclu de ma filière avec une chance infime d’être prise à cause d’un bug. #Parcoursup https://t.co/PZjoJZ4Hrm— Orivnia ✨ (@teatimemylady) 17 May 2019