This Thursday, February 28, 2019, Gérald Darmanin the Minister in charge of customs is in Dieppe to discuss the issues of Brexit. A moment of exchange is planned for the Channel.
How to adapt to the new security challenges brought about by Brexit? In Dieppe (Seine-Maritime), the Transmanche line will be impacted. New customs officers will come in to help with the increase in port controls. Since 3 pm, the Minister of the Action and the Public Accounts in charge of customs, Gerald Darmanin, visits the infrastructures. He notably announced the creation of a dozen customs posts based in Dieppe.

All afternoon in Dieppe
This morning, Thursday 28th February, 2019 , he went to Boulogne-sur-Mer . He met the customs officers of the future Border Inspection Post for Seafood (PIF) as well as the companies in Boulogne impacted by Brexit.
In Dieppe, a time of exchange is planned with the agents of the external surveillance brigade at the Transmanche ferry terminal. The minister will then visit where a veterinary and phytosanitary border inspection service will be installed. Then on the racecourse of Dieppe, in Rouxmesnil-Bouteilles, where specific control infrastructures for race horses will be installed.
🔵🛃Le travail des agents de la @douane_france c’est de contrôler ce qui arrive sur le territoire national et européen, pas de bloquer les entreprises qui veulent exporter.
👉Les douaniers sont là pour accompagner les créateurs de richesses quel que soit le scénario du #Brexit !— Gérald DARMANIN (@GDarmanin) February 28, 2019

Indeed, the racecourse of Dieppe wants to capture 10 to 15% of the 10 000 horses which transit between England and France: 12 boxes and 5 stalls will be installed for the controls.
Eight more agents in Dieppe
During his visit to the Channel, the Minister announced the creation of eight customs posts based in Dieppe. The number of agents will then be increased to 48 at the Transmanche. But what about the return of a customs office in Dieppe? Gérald Darmanin answers:
“We will adapt to the economic demand, I will be pragmatic on this issue. If things are going in the right direction, I will lead a discussion about it.”
The minister said he “wants a smart border” so that SMEs do not have to wait at the customs clearance office. “Not all the controls will be done at the port,” he adds. Dematerialized administrative procedures could be adopted.