Card’Box: Alternative Bedding of Cardboard Chips for Horses

Finance Local News
Card'Box will produce litter for horses using cardboard

Jessica Bucquet, who lives near Vimoutiers, launches Card’Box, a litter of cardboard shavings for horses.

Card’Box is the name of the company created by Jessica Bucquet . It is also the name of the equine animal litter made of cardboard chips that his company will produce. “It will be a first in France,” she says. The activity is located in the industrial area of ​​Vimoutiers “a central point, ideally located”. Jessica plans to launch in early November. It plans to employ an employee who will ensure deliveries within a radius of 100 km around the administrative center. “I’m just waiting for the delivery of the machine from England in the second half of October,” said Jessica Bucquet.

“All the ideal features”

This alternative litter will initially be intended for horses with the prospect of extending it to new pets (NAC), poultry farms, canines, etc. For a question of hygiene, the cardboard used will come directly from cardboard boxes. The product has “all the ideal features” for the well-being of horses and their owners or owners, “at the cheapest possible cost”. Originally from Jersey, France for 22 years, the 28-year-old settled in the Vimoutiers area with her family three years ago. If the production of chipboard litter is unpublished in France, the product is well known in the Anglo-Saxon countries, Germany and Belgium.

“A great product”

Jessica Bucquet used it herself for her horse on her native island. “There is very little straw in Jersey. So we palliate with litter wood chips or cardboard. The idea of ​​launching this product on the French market came from a combination of circumstances. Her husband, Boris, who has been working in the horse business for over twenty years, had to resort to an alternative litter for one of the horses he cares for.

“He found that the cost of litter with wood chips was high. That’s when I mentioned cardboard chips. It is much cheaper, of the order of 7 € HT against 10 € HT. He did not know. We imported from England. He was blown away. He told me: this product is just great! “.

Here, I ride my box

The idea has naturally made way to directly produce this alternative litter in France. “We had it tested with horse owners and professionals we knew to be picky. They were conquered.

From idea to creation, there was only one step to take, that of the threshold of the premises of the Cdc of the VAM (Valleys of Auge and Merlerault) and the office of its economic agent, Wandrille Join -Lambert. He supported him in his project and in his approaches through the device of the Normandy Region, Here I put my box, in connection with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Portes de Normandie. It is a one-stop shop for business creators and buyers with a personalised “support” component and a “financing” component. It’s free, the service being financed by the Region and by European funds.

Here I mount my box, contact 06 18 14 32 75.
Card’Box, contact 06 19 82 76 56.

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