From Tuesday 17th April, and at least until Friday, summer will be here! Meteo France forecasts sun and temperatures worthy of a month of July. The forecasts.
You’ve been waiting for a long time, the summer will make its first appearance of the year ! From Tuesday, April 17, a great sun and very pleasant temperatures are expected throughout the country, according to Météo France. The thermometer will even reach 27-28 ° C.
Un avant-goût d’été cette semaine !
Mardi : beau et + chaud
Merc., jeudi et vend. : estival
Sam. & dim. : tjs chaud et ensoleillé
Mais attention, ce fort redoux favorisera la fonte nivale et le risque d’avalanches pourrait être marqué sur de nbx massifs— Météo-France (@meteofrance) 16 April 2018
Sun for everyone (without exception) Wednesday
Tuesday, early in the day, the sun will be generous for everyone except the tip Breton. Quickly, the mercury will rise and reach 21 to 23 ° C. In the southeast, it will peak at 26 ° C.
Wednesday, no clouds on the horizon! Take out the flip flops, it will be as good as during a month of July. Meteo France forecasts 20 to 24 ° C in the West, 24 and 25 ° C in Ile-de-France and in the East, and up to 27 ° C in Occitanie.

Thursday, the day will be similar overall. Friday, the thermometer will remain at the same level, but some clouds will enter the Southeast and extend to the entire eastern half over the weekend. Some rains are expected in Brittany on Sunday, but Meteo France forecasts and ensures that this rather mild weather could last until the middle of next week.

A rather common phenomenon
This phenomenon is far from exceptional, says Meteo France. “These heat waves are pretty common for April,” says a forecaster. Three years ago, we had a similar episode. ”
And we are not likely to break the records of April 2007. Eleven years ago, monthly averages showed deviations of more than 4 ° C over most of the territory.