TRANSPORT: The Regional Council will spend 115.5 million for roads, an area that is nevertheless not its competence …
It is not within the competence of the regions, but it will still reach for their wallet. The Regional Council of Pays de la Loire announced Friday it would invest 115.5 million euros in the development of roads by the end of the mandate (2021). A “regional road map”, developed in consultation with the departments (including roads are competence), has indeed been made. Objective: to better connect territories, including rural areas, and strengthen economic zones.
“The departments remain the owners of the roads, there is no misunderstanding. We just come along. For an attractive territory, must attractive routes “, defends Bruno Retailleau, President (LR) of the Loire Valley since late 2015, highlighting that” 83% of the Loire trips are made by car. ”
Bypasses, Dual Carraigeways, Road Security …
Specifically, nearly 35 million euros (including 5 optional) are granted to the Loire-Atlantique, Mayenne 26 million to 21 million in the Vendée, 20 million to 14 million Sarthe and Maine-et-Loire. The aid in the region, which represents at least 40% of the cost of each operation, will benefit the work already planned by the departments. This is mostly bypasses, doubling routes or safety improvements.

In Loire-Atlantique, for example, the investment will go to securing the axis Saint-Nazaire-Laval (RD 771), processing the crossroads at Viais , placing a dual carraigeway for part of the Nantes-Challans, development of road Pornic, circumvention of Nort-sur-Erdre, or study for a new bridge over the Loire in Ancenis.
“Without assistance, these projects would not have happened”
“This contribution from the region will allow us to advance the schedule and start faster than expected work without debt department,” says Jean Charrier, Vice President (SE) of the Loire-Atlantique . “Let’s be clear, given our resources, these road projects would not have happened in that mandate without the help of the region,” says Dominique Le Mèner, President (LR) of the departmental council of the Sarthe .
“It’s also money and orders for construction and public works. We know that this area has the greatest need, “adds Bruno Retailleau.
A turn from the left
This investment for roads also make a full turn with the former left-wing majority, which was betting mostly on the train , much less polluting, and which itself is actually part of a region skills.
Less than 15 million had been spent on roads with Jacques Auxiette (PS) between 2010 and 2015. “A region can not abandon its roads as it did, consider Bruno Retailleau. The battle of infrastructure will be a marker of our mandate. “