Gay Friendly, Francois? Not that much. The pope may well have said in 2013 that he did not “judge a person [who] is gay, and [that] seeks the Lord with good will” , his benevolence towards homosexuals has limits. Including those of the Vatican. As revealed by The Duck chained , the pontiff refused to confirm the appointment of Laurent Stefanini, which, according to some media “notoriously homosexual”, the French ambassador to the Holy See.
No matter that this man, unmarried and childless renowned for its professionalism and is a connoisseur of curial Arcana. Regardless of whether the representative of France, with which the Vatican has good relations. And no matter that this brilliant technocrat is a devout Catholic. The pope does not want it.
The hand of Manif pour tous
Yet some have fought to defend the Stéfanini application. As Cardinal André Vingt-Trois, Archbishop of Paris. But others have done everything to scuttle. As the Ludovine Rochère, the president of the “Manif pour Tous” since 2013 and flagship opponents of the opening of marriage to homosexual couples. It “has activated all its networks to prevent this appointment. In early February, she told the nuncio’s opposition movement that choice, “explains the Sunday newspaper .
The newspaper says that France seems himself to accept the papal decision.Especially because François Hollande “has the support of Pope Francis for his Paris summit on climate year-end.” “The names of the other three” challengers “are already circulating Emmanuelle Dachon, Secretary General of the Quai who was ambassador to Ireland, Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Bertrand Besancenot, and René Roudaut, based in Bern. Both are married and a father, “said the JDD .