Launched in 1982, under Francois Mitterrand, the holiday voucher, known as cheque vacancies, is more popular than ever. According to the ANCV ( Agence Nationale pour les Chèques-Vacances), 4 million French families benefited from last years payment as the figures was released earlier today, Thursday.
The amount in monetary terms that the vouchers represented was 1.5 billion euros.
The holiday vouchers have attracted more than ever in 2012
Accepted at 170,000 tourism and leisure facilities
Due to the success: the benefits of this initiative has proven to provide extra income (net of tax) for employees of small businesses although initially it was to boost just the tourism industry, but in actual fact has has given a boost to any economic activity related to tourism.
The daily newspaper,Les Echos, has quoted that for every euro spent by a holiday voucher, another three euros would also be spent on average. The holiday voucher is now accepted by 170,000 tourism, leisure facilities and professionals throughout France.