The Nantais Patrice Laporte had recently made an appeal to the people of Nantes, for aid for the people of the Pacific island of Vanuatu. A month later, he was able to complete two containers.
Patrice Laporte had appealed to the bosses of local companies and the people of Nantes to ship aid to Vanuatu, the pacific island that was devasted by Cyclone Pam on the 14th March. A month later, he is delighted to have been able to fill two containers instead of one as planned, thanks to the generosity of donors.
Candles and soaps made in Nantes, whole pallets of non-perishable food offered by supermarkets, are now going to making their way in the two shipping containers.
This has not been without difficulty, Patrice Laporte added ‘We had to reorganize all pallets to be the INMP15 standards … and disassemble three to load the block containers, but the group of friends helping made it to the end and finish the job. ‘
Once the aid arrives, it will be distributed by fellow Nantais, Isabelle and Marc Hénon, creators of the Vanuatu humanitarian foundation called Ratua. If anyone would like to make a donation then they can through the Facebook page of the foundation .