A Ginseng ficus is recalled in many stores in France,

Bricomarché, Gamm vert… A Plant Recalled, Contaminated by a Parasitic Worm

A ginseng ficus is contaminated with the species Meloidogyne enterolobii, a worm classified as an invasive pest by the Ministry of Agriculture. The government site RappelConso does not only list food product recalls. But well all reminders, whatever they are. Like this reminder issued about a ginseng ficus, contaminated by a parasitic worm. Marketed in several stores, such as […]

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The stand of the Ministry of Agriculture dismantled by protesters

Agricultural Fair: The stand of the Ministry Dismantled by Protesters

The CRS intervened to control the protesters …. The atmosphere is very tense on Saturday morning at the Agricultural Fair. While the head of state, Francois Hollande was booed and insulted when he arrived , clashes broke out soon after as was witnessed by a journalist from France 2.   Heurts entre policiers et agriculteurs sur […]

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