Sentenced for deception to eleven years in prison by the American courts in the Theranos case, Elizabeth Holmes will be imprisoned before the end of the month, her last appeal having been rejected.

Theranos case: Ex-Biotech Star Elizabeth Holmes due in Jail on May 30th

Sentenced for deception to eleven years in prison by the American courts in the Theranos case, Elizabeth Holmes will be imprisoned before the end of the month, her last appeal having been rejected. A federal appeals court has dismissed former biotech rising star Elizabeth Holmes ‘ last appeal against jailing, before another magistrate ordered him to report […]

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Organisers of the rave party near Rennes face 10 years in Jail

Rave Party in Lieuron: “Ten Years in Prison for Making People Dance”… The Party-Goers are Annoyed by the Treatment Received

On New Year’s Eve, 2,500 people took part in a wild rave party south of Rennes in Lieuron The rave party which brought together 2,500 people on New Year’s Eve received considerable media attention. The regulars in the field are surprised at the extent of this party and consider the imprisonment measures taken against a […]

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A man was tried Wednesday, April 17, 2019, for urinating on a seat of the station of Rouen (Seine-Maritime) and attacked the agents of the SNCF

Six Months in Prison for Urinating at Rouen Station and Picking on SNCF Staff

A 27-year-old man was sentenced to six months in prison Wednesday 17th April, 2019, for his outrages and threats against agents of the SNCF, in the station of Rouen. Story. A 27-year-old man was tried by the Criminal Court of Rouen (Seine-Maritime) , Wednesday 17th April, 2019, for threatening to death, outraged the controllers of the SNCF and urinated […]

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Man jailed for the muder in La Guerche-de-Bretagne of a man in July

Murder at La Guerche-de-Bretagne: A Man Jailed

The man continues to maintain his innocence … A man has been indicted and imprisoned in the penitentiary in Rennes Vezin. He is suspected of having killed a man 31 years in July in La Guerche-de-Bretagne, southeast of Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine). The victim was found beside a road, had succumbed to multiple stab wounds. It is a […]

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