The containment dome covers the damaged reactor of the Chernobyl power plant.

The Chernobyl Shelter Dome is in Place

It weighs 36,000 tons and measuring 108 meters high and 162 meters long. That’s it, a metal dome now covers the sarcophagus around the damaged Chernobyl nuclear reactor. A project to ensure the safety of the site for 100 years. “We celebrated today at Chernobyl the successful completion of the operation.” The French giant BTP […]

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SFR-Numericable have placed a bid for Bouygues Telecom

SFR Numericable bid for Bouygues Telecom

TELECOMS : unveiled the giant SFR Numericable offers to buy Bouygues Telecom for 10 billion euros … Patrick Drahi has surprised everyone.  Le Journal du Dimanche has found that telecom tycoon and media (now boss of Libération and L’Express ) and the head of Numericable, SFR empire has offered 10 billion euros for its rival Bouygues Telecom. […]

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