Handball: Nikola Karabatic Joins les Bleus at the World Cup, Three Months after his Operation

Nikola Karabatic returns to the French handball team

The star of the men’s handball team joins les Bleus in Germany to compete in the rest of the World Cup. He is recovering from a foot operation.

Nikola Karabatic , handed over early on a foot operation dating from mid-October, will join the French handball team in Berlin on Saturday to compete eventually in the World Cup, announced the coaching of Les Bleus Friday night after the inaugural victory against Brazil (24-22).

The star of Paris SG and the Bleus had forfeited at the time of his operation a “hallux valgus” (an onion in everyday language) in October, which was originally to keep him away from the land for four to six month.

But the half-center, aged 34, recovered faster than expected, which initially led the coach Didier Dinart to include on a list of 28 players likely to be recalled during the tournament. Teams have the right to make three changes during the competition.

“Nikola resumed training with the Paris SG reserve. I spoke with the leaders of PSG and today the conditions are met for Nikola to join us.”

Best French player in history

Eventually, the return of the eldest Karabatic would provoke the eviction of one of sixteen players committed against Brazil in the first game won painfully Friday (24-22).

The best French player in history will not be hired immediately Saturday (8:30 pm) against Serbia , the country of origin of his mother (his father was Croatian). He will first be tested in collective training with the Blues to perhaps make his return for the decisive games, the first being scheduled against Germany Tuesday.

The coach indicated that the date of his return to the match was not scheduled.

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