The Chateau du Taillis, Duclair, near Rouen offers the reconstruction of historic military camps from 6th to 8th May 2018. This year a British fighter plane will be on display
A grouping of vintage vehicles, the reconstruction of WWII military camps, historical shows during the afternoon, museum visits in August 1944, an exhibition of photos and models, here is a summary of the program of the historic weekend organized at the Château du Taillis , in Duclair near Rouen (Seine-Maritime) , from the 6th May to the 8th May, 2018.
5,000 visitors in 2017
This year, the event created in 2005 raises the bar even higher. After having broken attendance records in 2017 by welcoming 5,000 visitors, the organizers of the event, namely the owners of the Château du Taillis, hope to do better by creating the surprise: reconstruct an English airfield on the perspective of the castle by bringing a life-size replica of a vintage British fighter jet.
A Spitfire in the perspective of the castle
“We want to create a surprise by bringing in an English Spitfire fighter ; a legend of aeronautics. He makes the trip, especially for us, from Britain to take place in the park. It will be a rare moment of discovery in the region “, explains Nicolas Navarro, the organizer. And to continue: “It took us six months of negotiations to bring him here. There is one nearer, in Paris, but the owner has no means of lifting or transport. It made the cost heavier. ”
Honoring the British
This staging will also honor the British forces that liberated the region in late August 1944. “It is true that the British are less represented on the camps, it is always sad to see so little. Last year, a Royal Air Force camp was rebuilt and it worked well. These are several individuals who group on the same project and name an already existing grouping as for other groups. It’s spontaneous and I think it’s going to develop. ”

In all, 300 rebuilders and about 80 vehicles will participate in this historic weekend. Different authors will dedicate their books on the spot and a purse to historical memorabilia is also organized on the site during the three days.
Practical information:
From 10h to 18h, in the castle of Taillis, hamlet Saint-Paul, in Duclair.
Rates: from 3 to 6 euros. Free for children under five.