Christian Prudhomme, head of Amaury Sport Organization (ASO) unveiled the Tour de France Tuesday, October 17, 2018 in Paris. On Friday 13th July, between Fourgères and Chartres, the riders will borrow the roads of Mayenne, Orne and Sarthe. The Tour de France will include Mayenne and Alencon.
The Tour de France 2018 was unveiled on Tuesday in Paris. The 7th stage, which will be the longest of the Tour (231 km), will leave Fourgères to reach Chartres, on Friday 13th July and pass on the roads through the Mayenne, Orne and the Sarthe departments.
Thierry Gouvenou, former rider now sporting manager of the Grande Boucle, reveals the precise line in Mayenne, in the Orne and the Sarthe.

This provisional route must be validated by the various prefectures. “If a municipality has planned major road works next summer, it will make changes,” warns Thierry Gouvenou.