To avoid a traffic stop in Nantes, a student fled by car, then by swimming! He was caught in time by firefighters.
What had he to hide? Some alcohol, probably, and a non-stop respected. This Saturday shortly after 6 am, a patrol wanted to stop the student at a control point in his Peugeot 206, in the city centre of Nantes. But the driver fled and tried to evade the police by crossing the city at high speed. Rue de Crucy, Quai Magellan, rue Gaston-Veil, in the direction of Ile-de-Nantes, boulevard de la Prairie-aux-ducs, Pont des Trois-Continents….
His run ended at Trentemoult. After hitting a parked car, his car was immobilized. The young man got out and ran towards the Loire. He threw himself into the river and began to swim. It was still dark, and very cold. The police lost track for a while, several dozen metres from the shore. Then divers from the Firefighters managed to bring him back to the edge. He was taken to University Hospital, unharmed. He is currently being questioned at the police headquarters of Nantes.