The verdict was reached about bakers who opened their business every day of the week ..
Four bakers of Landes, Dax prosecuted before the police tribunal for selling bread every day of the week, in violation of the regulations in force, were sentenced on Monday to a 500 euros fine, suspended.
A fifth baker, prosecuted for the same offence, was acquitted. Of the five bakers of Saint-Paul-les-Dax and Dax who appeared on September 7, three had not yet set in accordance with a prefecture decree of 1999 which imposes a weekly closing day. A fine of 500 euros was required against them.
The case took a political turn
A fine of the same amount, suspended, was requested against their two colleagues who were brought into compliance after the controls of the Labour Inspectorate. Counsel for the bakers had raised at the hearing procedural flaws, particularly in the prepared minutes, and requested their release.
The case erupted in early 2015 at the time when debates about the law focused on the proposed Macron Sunday work law. It then quickly took a political turn. The Republicans (under the acronym UMP at the time) in February had launched a petition in support of Stéphane Cazenave, one of Landes bakers challenged. The petition notably received support from former Prime Minister Francois Fillon.
Open trade continuously for 3 ½ years
Stéphane Cazenave had kept open its trade continuously for 3 ½ years. He felt that this imposed closure would cause it a loss of 250,000 euros in revenue per year and result in the dismissal “of one or two employees”. He has since brought his business in line with the prefecture order.
The Minister of Agriculture and spokesman of the government, Stéphane Le Foll, had at the time recalled that those arrested “are taken after negotiations, discussions with professionals to find the necessary agreements and necessary balances”. The confederation of bakers had reaffirmed its commitment to a weekly closing day.
“One is for business leaders to be disgusted in France,” said Stephane Moreau, one of the bakers. “We will work less, pay less VAT and less social charges, and if necessary we will lay off staff. “