Coronavirus: an autonomous disinfection robot by LG

Coronavirus: LG is Developing an Autonomous Disinfection Robot

ROBOT: This robot, capable of disinfecting the coronavirus will be marketed in early 2021 After masks, connected accessories and other mobile applications, a new technological object will soon make its appearance in the fight against the coronavirus: an autonomous disinfection robot. The latter was developed by the electronics manufacturer LG and will be able to decontaminate spaces by projecting UV-C light. For […]

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The surgical robot arrived at Lille University Hospital (North) on February 12, 2018.

Lille: A New Surgical Robot at the CHU

Since February 12th, 2018, Lille University Hospital (Nord) has been equipped with a new ultra-precise surgical robot. The University Hospital Lille (Nord) opts for robotic surgery thanks to a new robot! It allows surgeons to do less and less invasive operations … State-of-the-art technology The Da Vinci X robot is helping medical teams at Lille University Hospital increase their expertise in minimally invasive […]

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