More than 1000 jobs offered in Toulouse at Job Dating Events

Toulouse: More Than 1000 Job Vacancies at two Job dating Events, Right in the city centre

Friday 24th May, two jobs dating events are held in Toulouse, in the hospitality and catering events. More than 1000 positions will be offered in all. The details. Prepare your CVs! Friday 24th May, 2019, there are two job dating events that will take place in Toulouse. The opportunity to show up with recruiters and find a job. More […]

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The Job Forum is open to all, with or without experience. Participants are requested to come with their CVs!

Grand Roissy Hotels Recruit: 200 Positions to be Filled on the 10th October

A job forum for catering and catering is organized on 10 October 2018 from 9.30 am to 2 pm at the Maison de l’Environnement Paris-CDG in Trembaly-en-France. More than twenty hotels of Grand Roissy – Le Bourget will be present with more than 200 job offers (CDI, CDD, extras, apprenticeship …) October 10 for a job forum  at the Maison de l’Environnement Paris- […]

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