The perpetrators padlocked the gate of the barracks to be able to quietly take the distributor …
On the night of Wednesday to Thursday, criminals have pulled a cash machine from the wall … but not without having taken “precautionary” measures to keep the gendarmes in their barracks Neuvy-Saint-Sepulchre (Indre), located next door.
To operate quietly, the thieves padlocked the gate of the establishment, which is located about 300 meters from the Credit Agricole. “They did not hesitate to quietly go to the gendarmes barracks and discreetly pass a heavy chain between the bars of the gate. A lock connected two links of the chain and prevent any output of vehicles. The thieves had so few precious minutes to act “writes the regional daily La Nouvelle République .
Four vehicles, including one stolen truck
All that remained then was to remove the unit from the wall … To do this, the theives had used a stolen truck. The perpetrators, travelling in four vehicles, managed to escape with their booty: 2.000 euros.