Office 365 and Google Drive are not welcome in French schools, even if they are free

Office 365 and Google Drive are Not Welcome in French Schools, Even if They are Free

The question to the government of MoDem deputy Philippe Latombe is an opportunity for clarification concerning the use of American online services in schools. More than a question of unfair competition, it is the security of national data that is at stake. On August 30th, the elected official challenged the Minister of National Education about the […]

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Reopening of schools, terraces, shops ... The calendar is becoming clearer for deconfinement

Deconfinement: Reopening of Schools, Terraces, Shops … The Calendar is Becoming Clearer

EPIDEMIC: As in the Autumn, the lifting of the restrictive confinement measures should be done very gradually. Despite a still fragile decline in the epidemic, the executive is maintaining its goal of gradually lifting the restrictions in May, removing the 10 km limit on May 3rd and reopening the terraces in mid-May. The overall number of […]

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Emmanuel Macron announces new restrictions to combat coronavirus in France

Coronavirus: Closure of Schools and Shops, School Holidays … Most of Emmanuel Macron’s Announcements

EPIDEMIC: Emmanuel Macron’s televised address this Wednesday evening announces new restrictions to curb the coronavirus epidemic in France Emmanuel Macron announced this Wednesday evening new measures to curb the coronavirus epidemic in France, which is experiencing its third wave, a year after the first. The Head of State has extended to the entire territory the restrictive […]

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A decisive week in France on how to deal with the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic

Coronavirus: Decisive Week in France Under the Pressure of the Third Wave

STRATEGY: Many epidemiologists recommend tightening the restrictions and an additional turn of the screw cannot be ruled out to combat the coronavirus epidemic France is entering a decisive week under the pressure of the third wave of the Covid-19 epidemic, the outbreak of which is causing the increase in alarm signals at the hospital and calls […]

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Marine Le Pen wants schools to close because of Covid-19 epidemic

Coronavirus: Marine Le Pen Wants Schools Closed

EPIDEMIC: The president of the Rassemblement National, Marine Le Pen proposes to bring forward “the date of the holidays, perhaps to create a form of crawl space” For Marine Le Pen it is urgent: we must “close schools” in the face of the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic . Guest of the program Dimanche en politique on France 3, the president of the Rassemblement […]

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In the 19 confined departments, a single case of Covid-19 in a class will cause its closure

Coronavirus: In the 19 Confined Departments, a Single Case of Covid-19 in a Class will Cause its Closure

EDUCATION: Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education, announced this Friday new measures for class closures when coronavirus Covid-19 detected The Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, announced Friday that in the 19 departments concerned by the regional confinement, a single case of coronavirus Covid-19 in a class would now result in its closure, against three cases previously. “This will necessarily mean […]

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Coronavirus in Nantes: Two schools closed after positive cases with the South African variant

Coronavirus in Nantes: Two Schools Closed after Positive Cases with the South African Mutation

EPIDEMIC: George-Sand Elementary School and Camille-Claudel Kindergarten in Nantes will not reopen until the return from vacation on the 8th March The South African mutation of coronavirus Covid-19 is increasingly present in the territory. In Nantes, it has just resulted in the closure of two public schools by the decision of the state services, announces the prefecture of Loire-Atlantique. The George-Sand elementary school, […]

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Coronavirus in Moselle: Parents refuse to send their children to school

Coronavirus in Moselle: Parents Refuse to Send their Children to School

VIRUS: Many parents expected schools to be closed in Moselle due to a large amount of positive coronavirus Covid-19 cases The virus is actively circulating in the Moselle department, the most affected in mainland France currently with an incidence rate approaching 300 positive cases per 100,000 inhabitants. On Saturday, the prefect of Moselle, Laurent Touvet, confirmed […]

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Jean Castex announces tougher measures to combat coronavirus in France

Coronavirus: National Curfew, Border Controls, Reinforced Protocol at School… The Main Government Announcements

HEALTH: The government announced this Thursday at a press conference new measures to limit the circulation of the coronavirus “Do everything to prevent the British variant from circulating in France”. Prime Minister Jean Castex, surrounded by six ministers announced this Thursday at a press conference new restrictive measures to try to slow the circulation of the coronavirus while the […]

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New measures announced for schools to try and contain coronavirus

Coronavirus: Turn of the Screw in the Canteen, No More Indoor Sport… What is Changing in Schools

PANDEMIC: The government presented new measures for schools and sport this Thursday evening to stem the coronavirus epidemic in France It was one of the striking effects of the first confinement: the closure of schools. The government does not want to come to this again, as it indicated on Thursday when presenting new measures to contain the coronavirus epidemic. “We […]

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