Supervised by the gendarmes, the yellow vests let the customers enter the store Leroy Merlin of Quéven

Yellow Vests Raise the Blockage of the Leroy Merlin Store in Quéven

Approximately 70 yellow vests were blocking since 8:30 this Saturday morning the entrance of the DIY store Leroy Merlin in Quéven. Approximately 70 yellow vests were blocking since 8:30am this Saturday morning the entrance of the DIY store Leroy Merlin in Quéven. Under the pressure of the gendarmes, at 10 am, they lifted the blockage. But continue […]

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Yellow Vests remain mobilised in Marmande

Lot-et-Garonne: Yellow Vests Remain Mobilised in Marmande

While they dismounted their cabin at the exit of the A62 toll in Samazan, the yellow vests of Marmande remain mobilised. The Yellow Jackets have no intention of giving up in Marmande (Lot-et-Garonne). Operation slowdown While this morning, those installed at the roundabout at the exit of the A62 motorway in Samazan have dismantled their camp, their colleagues settled on […]

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After Act VI of yellow vests, the government is firm

After Act VI Yellow Vests, the Government is Firm

President Emmanuel Macron and his Prime Minister Edouard Philippe believe that the movement of yellow vests has lasted long enough. They also denounce the violence of this Saturday. The executive showed firmness on Sunday, the day after the “act VI” of ” yellow vests “, President Emmanuel Macron calling for the restoration of “order” and Prime Minister Edouard Philippe condemning the few […]

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Video capture of a policeman filmed on December 22, 2018 on the Champs-Elysees in Paris.

VIDEO: Yellow Vests Against Police Motorcycle in Paris, Investigation for “Voluntary Violence”

The Paris prosecutor announced Sunday 23rd December, 2018 the opening of an investigation for “willful violence” by Yellow Vests against police near the Champs-Elysees on Saturday. In the aftermath of clashes in Paris between protesters ” yellow vests ” and police on motorbikes whose videos have toured the media and indignant the government, theParis prosecutor announced Sunday the opening of an investigation for ” voluntary […]

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The toll of Narbonne Est, on the A9 motorway, was partially set on fire on the night of Saturday 22 to Sunday 23 December 2018

Occitanie: Another Three Motorway Tolls Burned and Vandalised in the Middle of the Night, in the Aude

The tolls of Narbonne-Est and Sigean on the A9, but also Lézignan (Aude) on the A61, were burned and vandalised on the night of Saturday 22nd to Sunday, December 23rd, 2018. The tolls and infrastructure of Vinci Autoroutes are definitely targets of choice in the region in recent weeks. After the toll of Narbonne-Sud (Aude), then that of Bessan (Hérault), both burned twice, […]

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Eric Drouet was arrested on Saturday

What to Happen with Eric Drouet, Organiser of the Yellow Vests

Eric Drouet, driver of Melun road, was arrested Saturday during the demonstration of Yellow Vests in Paris. He is notably suspected of carrying a prohibited weapon. Saturday, December 22 early afternoon, the Melunais  Eric Drouet , was arrested in Paris on the sidelines of a demonstration of yellow Vests . He was arrested at 2.15pm rue Vignon, in the Madeleine district. […]

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"Yellow vests" parade through the streets of Paris, December 22, 2018

Yellow Vests: Many Rallies and Blockages but Mobilisation Down

23800 demonstrators took part in Act IV of the Yellow Vests movement, this Saturday, December 22, 2018. Some excesses were observed in the regions, in Bordeaux in particular. With three days to go before Christmas, “Act VI” of the ” yellow vests ” gathered Saturday tens of thousands of demonstrators across the country, down from the previous Saturday, with […]

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Eric Drouet, figure of the Yellow Vests arrested

Eric Drouet, Figure of the Yellow Vests, in Custody

The Melunais Eric Drouet, figure of Yellow Vests, was arrested in Paris this Saturday 22nd December. Saturday, December 22 early afternoon, the Melunais  Eric Drouet , was arrested in Paris on the sidelines of a demonstration of Yellow Vests, explains France Info. He is suspected of illicit organisation of a demonstration on the public highway, carrying a prohibited weapon, […]

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Yellow vests decapitate a puppet of Emmanuel Macron

Yellow Vests: A Puppet with the Effigy of Emmanuel Macron Decapitated, an Open Investigation

A puppet with the effigy of the President of the Republic was beheaded at a rally of yellow vests on Friday evening in Angoulême. An investigation was opened by the Prosecutor. Saturday afternoon, through a statement, the prefecture of Charente took “knowledge of the serious events that took place during a demonstration of Yellow Vests in Angouleme “. Especially with the “macabre staging during which […]

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Blockage of circulation by the yellow vests at Boulou on December 22, 2018.

Hundreds of Yellow Vests on the Franco-Spanish border, Mobilisation in Occitanie

Several hundred “yellow vests” were gathered Saturday at the toll Boulou near the Spanish border, and busloads of protesters continued to flow. Hundreds of ” yellow vests ” were gathered Saturday at the Boulou toll near the Spanish border, and busloads of protesters continued to pour in, AFP reported. They had blocked a ramp in the early morning at the Boulou […]

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