President François Hollande gives up being a presidential candidate in 2017

Francois Hollande gives up being a Presidential Candidate

End of suspense! President Francois Hollande spoke live on Thursday 1st December at 8 pm from the Elysée to announce that he would not run for a second term in the presidential election of 2017. While the opening of the period for applications for the primary of the left was launched by PS on Thursday 1st December, […]

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Francois Hollande and world leaders pay tribute to Fidel Castro

Hollande, Putin, Maduro … The world leaders pay tribute to Fidel Castro

TRIBUTE: The father of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro died Friday night in Havana at the age of 90 years, announced his brother Raul, who succeeded him in power in 2006 … Since the reactions to his death multiply … Francois Hollande greets a figure of the twentieth century. Fidel Castro has “embodied the Cuban […]

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The 16th Summit of the Francophone in Madagascar 1

The 16th Summit of the Francophone in Madagascar

The 16th Francophone Summit will be held from 22 to 27 November 2016 in Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar. The village of La Francophone will open on Monday 21st November. Thirty heads of state and government are expected. The Summit will be chaired by the President of Madagascar. The Conference of Heads of State and Government […]

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Francois Hollande promises that the Jungle of Calais will not return

Francois Hollande Promises that the “Jungle” at Calais will not Return

MIGRANTS: Francois Hollande also welcomes the success of dismantling … He has promised that the camps would no longer be tolerated . François Hollande “ensures that there will be no resettlement” of migrants in the “Jungle” in Calais, now razed to the ground, in an interview published Tuesday in the regional daily La Voix du […]

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Only 4 percent of the French are satisfied with President Francois Hollande

Only 4% of French satisfied with Francois Hollande

Francois Hollande has reached a new record of unpopularity to 96% according to the latest Ipsos-Sopra and Steria Centre for Political Research at Sciences Po (Cevipof). Only 4% of French people  are satisfied with the work of Francois Hollande as President, according to an Ipsos-Sopra Steria and the Centre for Political Research at Sciences Po (Cevipof) released […]

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Francois Hollande will attend the National Day of Hommage to the victims of the attack in Nice

Nice: Tribute and emotion, Three Months after the Attack

François Hollande will pay homage on Saturday to the victims of Nice, three months after the attack on the 14th July and the violent polemics on security vulnerabilities and ways of combating terrorism, issues at the heart of the presidential campaign. This is the castle hill, which was chosen to host the tribute to the victims […]

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Russia vetoes the resolution by France on the war in Syria

Syria: “Niet” … Russia will veto the resolution of France to the UN

WAR:  Moscow supported another text which calls for a cessation of hostilities in Syria, without mentioning the bombing … Niet. Russia has vetoed this Saturday night the resolution of France on Syria at the UN, preventing its adoption. Two rival texts The United Nations Security Council was to consider two rival texts calling for a […]

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Vladimir Putin in France on 19th October to meet with Francois Holande

Syria: Putin in France on 19 October to meet Hollande

DIPLOMACY: The two leaders are to discuss the crisis in Syria, and also the situation in Ukraine … His last visit in France dates back to almost a year.  Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit France on the 19th October for talks with his French counterpart, Francois Hollande, the conflict in Syria and the Ukrainian crisis, […]

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French President, Francois Hollande, calls for firmness in negotiations with Brexit

Brexit: Hollande calls for Firmness with London

Francois Hollande said on Thursday evening that  “firmness” is needed with London on future negotiations for Brexit … In a speech on the occasion of the twenty years of the creation of the Institute Jacques Delors, François Hollande pleaded on Thursday for “firmness” with London in future negotiations on the Brexit . “There needs to be a price” […]

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Hollande and Sarkozy will share plane to the funeral of Shimon Peres

Hollande and Sarkozy share a Plane to attend the Funeral of Shimon Peres

Funeral: The two men had traveled to South Africa separately after the death of Nelson Mandela … Although the conversation will be slow and awkward, The President and former President of the Republic, Francois Hollande and Nicolas sarkozy, will indeed share a plane to attend the funeral of Shimon Peres, reveals the newspaper, Le Parisien. […]

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