Other "significant" cracks discovered in two nuclear reactors

Nuclear: Other “Significant” Cracks Discovered in Two Reactors

SAFETY CONCERNS: EDF has detected another defect due to a phenomenon known as thermal fatigue on a weld of an emergency pipe in two reactors After the discovery of a crack in Penly 1, disappointments follow. EDF detected on Thursday another “significant” defect due to a phenomenon known as thermal fatigue on a weld of an emergency pipe […]

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New incident at the Cattenom nuclear power station in Moselle

New Incident at the Cattenom Nuclear Power Station in Moselle

A new incident was reported at the Cattenom nuclear power station in Moselle. EDF reassures and asserts that there is no impact on safety and the environment. EDF has also announced a new incident at the Cattenom nuclear power station near Thionville (Moselle), a site that the public company operates. On the night of June 25th to June 26th, […]

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