Presidential 2017: 8 out of 10 French Predict a Defeat for the FN

General News
Only 9% of French predict a success of the Front National in the second round of the 2017 Presidential election

9% of respondents in a survey released Tuesday predict a success of the FN in the second round of the presidential election in 2017.

To the question, “today, as we are just one year of the next presidential election in 2017, which of the three scenarios seems most likely for 2017: the Front National candidate will …” 9% of respondents answer” win the presidential election” , 74% “to qualify for the second round but did not win” and 16% “to be eliminated in the first round of the presidential election”. 1% did not comment. 

When asked about specific adjectives that could apply to the far right, 77% consider it “can discriminate some populations” (22% think the opposite), 75% think the party will “have to take more and more importance” (against 24%), 63% that it has “a dangerous program for our economy” (against 36%), 61% that it is “a danger for democracy ” (against 38%), 41% that it ” defends well the popular classes “ (against 58%), 37% that “offers concrete solutions for our country “ (against 62%). 

30% deem FN fit to govern

Only 30% of respondents consider that the Front National “has the ability to govern France”, five points less than in September 2014.  70% of respondents believe that the party does not have the ability (they were 65%).  In addition, 37% of respondents occasionally say “agree” with the Front National positions, either “very often” (8%) or “very often” (29 %), while 63% thought the “disagree” , 35% are“rarely agree” and 28% “never agree”

Survey conducted among a sample of 1,009 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over interviewed by the internet 14 and 15 April 2016, according to the “quota method”

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