Small Pensions, Lower Taxes, Removal of the ENA … What Emmanuel Macron Planned to Announce

Finance General News
Emmanuel Macron, November 4, 2018 at the Elysee.

Emmanuel Macron was to announce yesterday, Monday 15th April 15 at 8 pm on television these announcements to close the Great debate and end the social crisis of yellow vests. A recorded speech which was postponed following the fire of Notre-Dame de Paris. This is what must be remembered measures decided by the Head of State.

The presidential address scheduled Monday 15th April at 8pm did not finally take place , postponed following the dramatic fire of Notre-Dame de Paris but the list of measures that should have been announced by Emmanuel Macron leaked in the press this Tuesday 16th April.

To end the Yellow Vests crisis, the President of the Republic intends to tackle middle-class taxes and small pensions. The Head of State was also to announce the abolition of the National School of Administration (ENA).

Emmanuel Macron should give the green light to the RIC , a measure dear to yellow vests . The maintenance of two major public services, schools and hospitals, until the end of the political term should be part of the measures chosen by the President of the Republic. Here is the list of salient measures that should announce Monday night Emmanuel Macron.

Lower taxes for the middle classes

Emmanuel Macron wants to “  lower the taxes of the middle classes” by funding this measure including the “removal of certain tax loopholes.  The President of the Republic also asks for an “objective assessment” of the ISF from the beginning of the year 2020 , on the basis of which it undertakes “to make all necessary modifications and corrections” .

Small pensions re-indexed to inflation from 2020

Emmanuel Macron is to announce the reindexing of pensions of less than 2,000 euros on inflation from 1 January 2020, according to his draft speech he was to pronounce Monday night.The head of state must also announce that the exceptional bonus of 1,000 euros tax-free and without social security contributions decided at the end of December 2018 against the movement of yellow vests will be “perpetuated” and open to employers “every year” .

“No school and hospital closures” until the end of the five-year period

The president no longer wants “no closure of school and hospital until the end of the five-year period” , “unless the mayors ask” . Acknowledging that “many of our fellow citizens feel that their territory is abandoned,” the Head of State wants to “ensure the presence of public services” and “open a new act of our decentralization” , including with “more officials on the ground, with more responsibility “ , ” and fewer officials in Paris to write standards or create rules “ .

A simplified RIC

Emmanuel Macron is “in favour” that referendums of citizen initiative (RIC), called for by the “Yellow Vests” , “can be organised on certain subjects of local interests” . He is also “favourable to that we can make more accessible, by simplifying the rules “ , the referendum of shared initiative (RIP), provided for by the Constitution but extremely complicated to implement. He announced that “an agreement of 300 citizens drawn by lot”will be installed “next month” , in May, in charge of “working on ecological transition and concrete reforms to take” .

Deletion of the ENA

The Head of State is in favor of a change of “training, selection, careers by removing the ENA and several other structures” . “We need an elite, decision-makers,” says Emmanuel Macron, who wants to give “all our young people their chances based solely on their merit and not their social or family origin ,  according to the document.

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