A piece of a SpaceX rocket was found stranded on the Breton island of Quéménès, off Finistère. It could come from a ship that supplies the ISS.
For a surprise, it’s a big surprise. The new tenants of the island of Quéménès, off Finistère , discovered on Wednesday 11th April, what seems to be a piece of a SpaceX rocket of billionaire Elon Musk .
The farmer couple, who recently settled on the Breton island, posted on their Twitter account images of their incredible discovery. “Sea bathtub? Flying saucer ? Amelie Goosens, who has been living with her companion Etienne Menguy for a while on this deserted island, recalls humorously, says Ouest-France .
Trouvaille d’hier soir sur l’estran de #Quemenes…
Mais qu’est-ce me direz-vous ? Une baignoire de mer (why not ! ) ?… Une 🛸 ?
Honnêtement on n’a pas encore la réponse mais on a trouvé sur cet objet (de 2,50 m de diamètre quand même…) une petite plaque @spacex !#rocket pic.twitter.com/kslvzkZETv— Ferme de Quéménès – Île d’Iroise (@Quemenes_Iroise) 12 April 2018
A piece of the Dragon capsule
The object, found failed, is a hollow cone of 2.50 meters in diameter and 1.30 in height. If the couple first thought of a race boat, they discovered by observing the object more closely a small plate on which appears the mention SpaceX. An inscription they found in another place of the object.
SpaceX is the name of the American company, founded in 2002 by billionaire Elon Musk, who works on spaceflight and astronautics.
On Twitter, some netizens point out that it could be, according to them, the nose of the Dragon capsule, a space cargo ship used to refuel the International Space Station. What could confirm the inscription “nose cone” found on the machine.

To be clear, the couple even mentioned on Twitter Elon Musk himself.
Hi @elonmusk
Look at what we found from @SpaceX on the foreshore of #Quemenes, the island where we livre in Brittany (France)! What is it ?
By the way will you send an electric tractor in space ? We need one ! 😉 #space #rocket #riddle #sea pic.twitter.com/7Uw3dQzOZ3— Ferme de Quéménès – Île d’Iroise (@Quemenes_Iroise) 13 April 2018
Meanwhile, the tenants of Quéménès towed the space object in their garden. As if living on a desert island was not original enough!
Qui est-ce qui se la coulait douce ce soir au soleil au bord de #Quemenes alors que la mer descendait ?! Notre trouvaille @SpaceX ! Le bout avec lequel nous l’avions accrochée nous a permis de la ramener en 4 jours au bord sans trop d’efforts. Merci les marées ! 1/2 pic.twitter.com/emmqZA4fd0
— Ferme de Quéménès – Île d’Iroise (@Quemenes_Iroise) 15 April 2018
La rencontre avec Jojo s’est tellement bien passée qu’il n’a plus voulu la lâcher jusqu’à la maison… 2/2#nettoyonslamer #space #rocket #finistere #bretagne #brestterresoceanes #toutestbienquifinitbien #nofilter #spacex pic.twitter.com/FIVwFP30rR
— Ferme de Quéménès – Île d’Iroise (@Quemenes_Iroise) 15 April 2018