Professionals agree: 2017 was that of all the records for the French property market. Number of sales, prices nationally, listing periods: discover the key data of the sector.
Professionals agree: 2017 was that of all the records for the French property market. Number of sales, prices nationally, listing periods: discover the key data of the sector
Real Estate Market: nearly 1 million transactions in 2017
For the third consecutive year the agency Galivel & Associates conducted an “observatory real observatories.” To achieve this, she gathered the figures published by LPI-SeLoger barometer, Notaries-INSEE, FNAIM,, the branch network ERA Real Estate, Century 21, RIPA, Laforet and Guy Hiccups. First observation: all observers agree on the increase record sales volume in the existing fleet in 2017. However, the values of this growth show large disparities. The evolution of the volume of sales in the former over France increased 2.5% for LPI-SeLoger , against 16.7% for the FNAIM or 13.6% for ERA Real Estate. Moreover, the real estate marketformer should approach the million transactions. This is the FNAIM that brings the highest number with 986,000 transactions.

House prices in France have never been so high!
Without dispute, the selling price per square meter has increased (from 1.2% to 4.4% depending on the study) in France. However, these changes vary depending on the cities and regions. So recorded a price increase of 16.5% in Bordeaux while, at the same time, prices rose 5.8% in Paris and decreased 0.1% in Lille. For its part, the LPI-SeLoger score increases 12.7% in Bordeaux , 7.7% in Paris, Lyon 8.5% or 9.3% in Brest. According to the FNAIM, the average price per square meter increased by 3.9% for the province and 6.5% for Paris, to reach € 2550 on all of France. Thus, the LPI-SeLoger barometer observed an average price of 3429 € per m² in FranceWhile the FNAIM finds an average price per m² of € 2188 in the provinces, 4276 € in Île-de-France and € 9228 in Paris.

Prices: an average selling price between € 208,759 and € 264,300
Regarding the average selling price, the LPI-SeLoger barometer announcing the highest (€ 264,300), while Century 21 reported the lowest (€ 208,759). Logically, the average selling price is higher for a house to an apartment (€ 202,510 against € 222,847 according to Century 21). For the FNAIM, the average price per square meter of an apartment is 3385 € while it is only 2143 € for a house.

Delays sale of property: between 76 and 93 days!
The 4 networks of agencies meet on a general decline delays sale means. The time decreases from one day to Laforet, from 2 days to Century 21 Real Estate and ERA, 3 days for Guy Hiccups and even 9 days to RIPA. One can also notice that the property sell faster in Paris and the provinces: from 56 to 61 days (depending on the network) to the capital, and between 76 and 91 days for all of France.