ENERGY: Regulated natural gas rates are charged by Engie to several million customers in France …
Bad news for the wallet. Regulated tariffs of natural gas, applied by Engie to several million customers in France will increase on average by 6.9% in January, mainly due to the increase of a tax, according to a resolution of the Regulatory Commission of energy (CRE) published Friday.
Up 2.3% excluding tax
Excluding taxes, tariffs increase by an average of 2.3% on January 1, reflecting the increase in gas prices on the wholesale markets. This increase will be 2.4% for consumers using gas for heating, 0.7% for those who use gas for cooking, and 1.4% for those with a dual-purpose cooking and hot water .
To this is added the increase in domestic consumption tax on natural gas (TICGN) which rose from 5.88 euros per megawatt hour (MWh) consumed to 8.45 euros / MWh, due to the increase in the 1st January of the climate energy contribution (sort of carbon tax), one of its components. In the end, the increase will be 6.9% at 1 January 2018.
Regulated tariffs duty gas are adjusted monthly according to a formula that takes into account the particular gas prices on the wholesale market and the price of oil.
Since the opening of the energy market to competition, the 10.6 million French consumers subscribing to gas have the choice between the regulated tariffs of the former monopoly, and the market prices, proposed by both Engie and competitors (EDF, Direct Energie, Eni, Lampiris, etc.).