As from September 2017, almost a third of primary schools in the Mayenne choose a 4 day school week instead of 4 and a half days. This rate is twice higher than that of the Pays de la Loire.
As of the 2017 school year, the week of 4 days is made possible in nursery and primary schools. This is an exception to the general framework of 4 and a half days, majority.
In Mayenne, 27% of schools pass the 4-day week. If this figure is close to the national average, twice the average of the Academy of Nantes: 13%. In the Academy of Rennes, 30% of establishments have opted for a reduction of days of classes.
You can check the timetable of your school here.
According to the government, the return to 4 weekdays key priority “departments and rural communities.” For municipalities, funding extracurricular time is one of the central issues of this old and cleaving subject.