According to an Ipsos Sopra-Steria survey and the Center for Political Research at Sciences Po (Cevipof) for the regional offices of France 3, conducted in 12 metropolitan areas and published on Thursday 20 April, Emmanuel Macron is ahead of the vote in five regions, as the candidate of the Front National Marine Le Pen. Surprise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon leads in New Aquitaine. François Fillon, he is leading in Île-de-France.

Three days before the first round of the presidential election, the President of the Front National and the leader of En Marche! continue to race ahead. They are first in five regions each. Emmanuel Macron is credited with 28.5% of the vote in Brittany, 26% in the Pays de la Loire, 26.5% in Centre – Val de Loire, 24% in Normandy and 24% in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
Marine Le Pen is racing ahead in the Hauts de France with 30% of the vote, in the Great Eastern 27.5%, with 31.5% in PACA and Occitan 25%.
Surprise New Aquitaine
Surprise New Aquitaine, where it was Jean-Luc Mélenchon happens first with 21.5% of the vote before Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen both credited with 20.5%, ahead of François Fillon 19.5 %.
The Republican candidate is leading in Île-de-France, credited with 23.5% of the vote, followed by Emmanuel Macron 23% and Jean-Luc Mélenchon to 19%.
Marine Le Pen could realize her worst scores in Brittany (14%), Pays de la Loire (16%) and Île-de-France (17.5%).