After the first solar road in the world, inaugurated by the Minister Ségolène Royal in December, at Tourouvre, Orne, Normandy. Will it also be the first electric highway of France?
A feasibility study has been launched to define the potential for electrification of the main road, the A13, about 200 km, between Caen and Paris. “The idea would be to dedicate a road to power charge”, says Walter Pizzaferi, founder and managing director of the Observatory of innovation in energy, OIE, a platform dedicated to energy transition, bringing the project with the concessionaire Sanef and a consortium of companies. The interest of this lane for electric vehicles? They are powered directly through the floor, continuously!
Technologies are tested in several places of the world. In South Korea, a 20 km road in which were buried cables, wireless fueling vehicles by electromagnetic field, eliminating the stops to recharge the batteries. “The technologies go much progress in the coming years,”emphasizes Walter Pizzaferi.
The “e-way corridor” project is just beginning. The results of the feasibility study, funded by ADEME, the Agency for Environment and Energy Management, will be known in a year. Holders of the project work “2033 horizon.”
“There are still many obstacles to be overcome, particularly in terms of energy supply, to realize such a project,” says Walter Pizzaferi.