Increase in regulated gas tariffs, train delays better reimbursed by SNCF, new display rules about alcohol or changes to the Labour law … Here several new provisions coming in force in France on Thursday 1st December, 2016.
Gas Prices
Regulated tariffs increase on 1 December by 2.6% on average . In detail, the gas for cooking increases of + 0.9%, gas for heating 2.6% and for those with dual use cooking and hot water, the increase was 1.6 %.
Late trains
At the SNCF, travelers will benefit from better reimbursements for delays of TGV intercity trains, and especially new designs are now taken into account. So now repaid delays of more than 30 minutes due to the weather, to malicious acts or accidents .
Economic dismissal
In companies, redundancies are facilitated with the introduction of two new grounds: the reorganization necessary to safeguard the competitiveness and retirement.
Vehicle impounded
If your vehicle has been removed and is impounded, pay attention when you go to recover it, the driver or the owner must now present an insurance certificate and also their driving license. This is for security forces to identify more drivers who drive without a license and/or without insurance.
Alcohol Sales
The sale of alcohol is forbidden to minors, but the government wanted to define new rules bans display in stores and on the internet to make them more visible. The new models of displays and banners are available on the website Legifrance .
Money transfers within the European Union
Companies or individuals that transfer at least 10 000 Euros by “road, air, sea or rail” via transport companies or express freight business to another country of the European Union are required to file a declaration to the French customs.
This is one of the new agreed measures to strengthen the fight against terrorist financing .