How do the French do they relate to school? Three in four French people believe that the quality of teaching in schools has decreased according to a BVA poll. Other education, 65% support the return of the uniform to school.
Two-thirds of French (65%) are in favor of restoring the uniform to school, a score up to five years (50% in 2011). This is one of the teachings of a survey conducted by BVA.
65% of French say they are favorable to the return of the uniform, 23% “strongly favorable”. “A score increase since our last measurement in 2011 (50%),” notes the Institute. The political proximity reveals major disparities: supporters of the left are hostile majority on his return (54%), when supporters of right to it show very favorable (79% favorable). Regionally, the Midi-Pyrenees LanguedocRoussillon is the most favorable to the uniform region (77%) with Normandy (71%), while the Ile de France (59%) is a little skeptical that the average.
Private or public?
The French remain divided about dueling public school / private school: 54% would choose the public, 45% private. Regarding the choice between public school or private school for the education of their (s) child (ren), the French are very divided: unecourte majority preferring public schools (54%). The younger (65%) and AB + (61%) are more likely to favor this option. But on this issue, the most important cleavage is to be sought in the policy area: if 83% of left supporters would choose public school, it is the case that 36% of supporters of right, although more likely on private schools.
Three-quarters of French (75%) perceive a decline in the quality of education in schools, but the majority of them (61%) have a favorable opinion of teachers. And more than 8 out of 10 French (84%) rather good memories of their school years. The school seems to have been particularly pleasant to over 50 years (88%) but also to the people of Normandy (93%), Alsace-Lorraine-Champagne-Ardenne, the Pays de la Loire and MidiPyrénées- Languedoc-Roussillon (91% in each region). For 15% of French, this time of life seems to have been a worse experience, and reminds them of bad memories. This feeling is more significant in the inhabitants of Ile de France (24%) and RhôneAlpes-Auvergne region (23%).
The reform of the college is cool reception: the majority of French are opposed (56%). High school (40%) and elementary school (37%) are most preferred in college (22%) The history and geography. Favorite subject at school for 46% of French before the French (38% ) and mathematics (31%).
Luc Ferry (45%) and Jack Lang (44%) are considered the top two Ministers of Education of the last 30 years.
Survey of 1,099 people on 22 and 23 August 2016.