Mobilizing the call of unions opposed to the Labour law started in the morning, with schools closed in Paris and blockages reported in Rennes and Nantes.
The CGT, FO, FSU, Solidaires, the UNEF, the UNL and Fidl have called for demonstrations against the labour law throughout France, the fifth of national and unitary mobilization day in two months. In Paris , before Sophie school Germain, garbage bins blocked the two entrances and a cloth was placed “Facing 49-3, dissolution”. Faustina, ES terminal, 18 explained that with the use 49-3 “we must strengthen mobilization, it is even more important to show our discontent.” The Lycée Henri IV was also blocked, blocked the front door with a sheet, “Medef orders, the government obeyed, youth resist.”
According to the Ministry of Education, “there was some blocking attempts. There are two, three situations being resolved. ” A month before the Bac SGL, the first high school student union, expects a lesser mobilization on Thursday.
In Caen, they were a thousand on Thursday morning.The protesters entered the premises of the Caf. According to the prefecture, “one person was arrested for contempt.” The police have also made use of tear gas bombs.
La CAF de Caen est bouclée. Un groupe de manifestants est entré. Les forces de l’ordre interviennent
— Bleu_BNormandie (@fbleubnormandie) May 12, 2016
In Rennes between 7 am and 8 pm 35 a bus depot public transport Rennes, the Star, was blocked by protesters with pallet fires, causing major delays on several bus lines, told the Star on his Twitter account. Some 300 people so far have joined the rally at noon in the center of Rennes. A Saint-Brieuc. The police dispersed the two hundred young demonstrators with tear gas. One person was arrested.

In Nantes , at the call of the unions, an event is underway on the western ring road, that was cut in both directions of traffic, causing more than 18 km of backlog traffic at 8.51am according to the Road Directorate of West (DIRO). Several Lycees in Nantes have been blocked with some barricades in flames.
Lorient (Morbihan)
Another demonstration against the labour law resulted in the blocking of two roundabouts, said the prefecture of the Morbihan. According to the Diro this event which started at 9am cause a traffic jam of eight kilometres in the direction Nantes-Quimper on the N165.
In Seine-Maritime , still in connection with the protests against the labour law, Tancarville bridge blocking was in process this Thursday morning, according to the Prefecture which has established deviations.