The avalanche occurred on Wednesday afternoon on a closed track in the ski area of Les Deux Alpes …
Terrible drama in the Alps. An avalanche killed three people on Wednesday on a closed runway at Les Deux Alpes (Isère), including two teenagers, who were part of a group of students from Lyon, skiing with their teacher, himself seriously injured.
Of the two deceased young people, a young girl of 16 years, died by cardiopulmonary arrest, according to a news station. One of her comrades, also a first grader, died at Grenoble University Hospital where he was transported unconscious. The third victim is a Ukrainian, who was not part of the school group. The prognosis of the injured teacher, also transported to the hospital, is responding to treatment, according to the prefecture of the Isere.
A group of 19 students and three supervisors
The avalanche victims were among a group of 19 teenage students and three supervisors of the Saint-Exupéry Lycée. All others are “safe and sound” and will be returned by bus to their school’s fourth district of the city, according to a statement from the Interior Ministry. The Minister of Education, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, was to go in the evening to accommodate student survivors.
The search continued in the early evening to find other possible victims. But “at this stage we have not been reported to us the absence of a person who could have been washed away,” said the commander of the gendarmerie based in Isère, Colonel Jean-Luc Villeminey. “As long as we have no doubt, that there is no one else left out there, we will search the area to ensure that no one is remaining in the snow slide,” he said.
“The track was not skiable”
“It’s an avalanche 20 meters wide, 100 meters in elevation and 300 meters long. A typical case of wind slab, that is to say, a snow patch formed by the strong winds of recent days. Fresh snow, “said AFP Dominique Letang, head of Anena (National Agency for the Study of Snow and Avalanche).
“What concerns us is the number of people involved, when we repeat constantly that we must pass one by one when there is instability of the snowpack. This makes me angry. The risk of avalanche was labelled three on a scale of five. This track was not open to the season because it was fresh snow, not yet suitable for skiing, “he added.
“Solidarity of the whole nation”
“I address the bereaved my sincere condolences and assure them of the solidarity of the whole nation,” said Francois Hollande, said a statement from the Elysee. On Twitter, Manuel Valls expressed his “great sadness”, the Mayor of Lyon Gerard Collomb said he was “shocked” and member of the Isère Erwann Binet has Adrese its “support to young people, and those worried families who are in pain. “
Grande tristesse après l’avalanche de cet après-midi aux Deux Alpes. Toutes nos pensées aux victimes et à ceux qui se battent pour la vie.
— Manuel Valls (@manuelvalls) January 13, 2016
Bouleversé par le drame qui frappe la cité scolaire St Exupéry de #Lyon. Mes premières pensées vont aux victimes & leurs proches. #avalanche
— Gérard Collomb (@gerardcollomb) January 13, 2016
Pensée émue pour les victimes #avalanche #DeuxAlpes, soutien aux jeunes, aux familles inquiètes et celles qui sont dans la douleur
— Erwann Binet (@erwannbinet) January 13, 2016