With a range of both electric and natural gas , La Poste aims to reduce its emissions …
In the race for the use of so-called transport vehicles that are “soft to the enviroment”, La Poste does not want to be left behind. This Friday, its CEO Philippe Wahl came to Bordeaux to present the latest innovations of the group in the material to Alain Juppé.
Main innovation: the Mooville electric vehicle. With a capacity of 8 m3, it is used to package delivery in the center of Bordeaux, from Bruges station. It complements the existing arrangements in the city of Bordeaux composed of 71 Kangoo ZE vehicle. In all, 95 electric vehicles, or GNV (Gaz naturel pour véhicules), will be operating in Bordeaux by the end of the year. “100% of the city centre will be delivered in soft mode” ensures Baccialone Olivier, in charge of responsible development within La Poste Aquitaine.
Beyond 15 m3, the “electric no longer competitive”
“We made the choice of GNV for vehicles with a capacity of 15 m3 because using electric for these deliveries, at present, is no longer competitive,” says Olivier Baccialone. He also adds though that the means for local deliveries are still completed on foot, by scooter or electric bike.
Meanwhile, La Poste in Bordeaux deploys new services and sets up a new organization to optimize deliveries. A Mériadeck, an urban space in pooling logistics and sorting mail and print advertising before delivery. In the Ginko area or Darwin area, La Poste is testing a system, for people or professionals to leave or collect packages, in local stores instead of having to travel to a La Post office ( similar to how mondial relay work). Other points will soon open in the city.
Instructions open 24h/24h, 7 days a week
“We are deploying the package removal instructions available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, said Olivier Baccialone. We already have nine in the City Centre, and there will be 15 by the end of the year. This allows customers who place orders on partner sites of La Poste to benefit from a service package. ”