The delegate vice president of the party, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, confirmed …
The president of the UMP Nicolas Sarkozy will vote the members of his party on the name “The Republicans” on the eve of the May 30 conference, said AFP Sunday Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, confirming a report in the JDD .
In an electronic vote on 28th and 29th May, three questions will be asked for members: on the status, the name, and the principle of a single list for political office, said the Associate Vice-President of the UMP. The 210,000 members who are eligible to vote are those who had signed up and paid contributions before 31 December 2014. Before being put to all members, these three questions will first be put to the members of the Political Bureau (BP) who meet on the 5th May in Paris.
53% of supporters believe that “Republicans” is too American
The internal elections of the UMP (including those of the presidents of federations) will take place on July 4, also indicated NKM. Registered members can vote on 30 June. The new statutes impose more democracy (with the promise of a regular use of internal referendum with a platform on the internet) and more parity.
At BP, which combines ex officio members (former Presidents of the Republic, former Prime Ministers …) and elected members, they will be strictly joint. Ditto for the inaugural National Commission (CNI). At BP, there will be representatives of the five currents of the party since they will disappear.
The internal elections of the party (including those of the presidents of federations by universal suffrage, which is a first in the party) will take place on July 4, also indicated NKM. Registered members can vote on 30 June. According to a poll published Odoxa in mid-April, two in three French, but also more of a sympathizer on two UMP UMP prefer the Republicans. 53% of supporters believe that “Republicans” is too American.