For the first time, the Ministry of the Interior has blocked websites in France for “incitement to terrorism”, using the terrorism act, that will block a site without having recourse to a judge.
It is not possible to connect to Islamic-news.info. The site, now completely off-line, was replaced this weekend with a message from the Interior Ministry.
“You have been redirected to the official website because your computer would connect to a page with content publicly condoning acts of terrorism,” warns the red capital letters, as reported byDavid Thomson , journalist RFI.
First use of the Terrorism Act
The Interior Ministry has said that itt had blocked five sites using this method. A restraint order was given to ISPs, who then have 24 hours to take “all appropriate measures intended to stop referencing these addresses,” according to the decree.
This blocking overnight is made possible by the Terrorism Act , passed in late 2014, as it allows not having to call a judge. The administrative blocking of sites was criticized by the Consultative Commission on Human Rights, which considered the intervention of a judge was needed in order to monitor the withdrawal of illegal content and block a website.
An anti-Kurdish propaganda website
The site’s Facebook page, has not been cut off. In a message dated March 12, the author compares the arrival of the YPG (the armed wing of the Syrian Kurdish party, which fights the Islamic State) to terrorists. The Google cache of the site, as highlighted in the website Next Inpact , reveals the type of articles that were posted on the site, with titles like “A 9 month old Palestinian baby imprisoned by Israel (world record)” or “Central Africa: the mosques are now destroyed or converted into churches.”
A similar system is also in action and developed to block sites that are offering child pornography.