Yesterday at the proposed airport project area, Notre Dame-des-landes, three biologists were attacked by a dozen hooded people. Their cars were damaged.
The Three biologists from Angers, had came to study the functioning of amphibians on the area affected by the proposed airport in Notre Dame-des-Landes. A research professor and two students from the Laboratory of Angers sciences faculty came to study the marbled newt. They were attacked by a group of twelve hooded people who also damaged their cars, breaking windscreens and slashing tyres. The researchers, shocked, have filed a complaint.
For Jacques Auxiette, president of the Region and airport joint association, “these new violent acts are unacceptable (..) I am shocked by this new intolerable damage to property and people. Now that’s enough! I demand that the full power of the state is implemented to restore the most basic rights in this piece of the Republic in Loire-Atlantique. “
The support group for the airport, The West Wings Project, denounced “this new aggression which follows already more than 200 abuses, threats, intimidation and looting against companies or citizens/residents in favour of the proposed project, has got to stop. How much longer do we have to wait before the state responds ? That must now be a priority to restore order at the region of Nantes, “ says Alain Mustière, President for West Wings.
Bruno Retailleau, UMP senator and candidate of the right in the region, “this aggression is a further illustration of the hidden truth that many refuse to see: to defend the area of Notre Dame-des-Landes is actually that it is a lawless zone, a territory held hostage by militants who consider themselves outside the Republic and even against the Republic. (..) I ask the Prime Minister to order the evacuation of the ZAD Notre Dame -of-Landes. Not in a year, not in a month, but now. “