A four month old baby was kidnapped on Tuesday in Grenoble by his father, Steeve Y Beni Saad, police said. An abduction alert was triggered Tuesday night to find the infant; and continues to be relayed. Known for acts of violence, the child’s father entered the home where the mother lives through the balcony.
Djenah, the baby girl aged 4 months, wearing a pink pajamas, brown eyes, brown hair a little, was abducted this Tuesday, October 18, 2016 in Grenoble by her father.
The man took the child in a maxi cozy with a pink blanket. He is 28-year-old, with short black hair, 1.75m, and glasses.
The father, known for acts of violence, entered the home where the mother lives through the balcony, grabbed the baby and fled, police said.
The couple was separated as a result of violence, with the mother being supported by an organisation for battered women in the south of Grenoble.
#AlerteEnlèvement Un enfant est recherché. Votre mobilisation est essentielle. Merci de partager. pic.twitter.com/l4shmEsnx2
— Napoléon (@tprincedelamour) 18 October 2016
The police gave no other details about the case and the family context at this stage. The prosecutor was not immediately available.

Controversy over the wording
Shortly after the launch of the alert, its wording which described the alleged abductor as “black race” was controversy on social networks. The text then mentioned “a person with black skin” and “black”.
“Some words of the message, which was hurriedly written were obviously inappropriate, regrettable, and were quickly changed” , said the Ministry of Justice, told AFP.
According to the Dauphiné Libéré , the father went on Tuesday morning to the home where the mother lives and reportedly fled with the child. The couple was separated as a result of violence by the father, her ex partner, and is being supported by an organisation for battered women, reports the local newspaper stating that the father did have visitation rights.
19 previous “abduction alert” since 2006
The plan “abduction alert”, set up in France in 2006, has already been triggered 19 times in France, always with success.
It is a massive warning device, launched on fifty distribution channels (radio, TV, internet, station, highways, etc.) to mobilize the population in the search for the abducted child and her abductor.
But it is only activated if several criteria are met: a confirmed abduction and not simply a disappearance, a child victim whose physical integrity or lives are in danger and elements of information to locate the child.
The last alert dated back to the end of August, when a nine year old boy was kidnapped also by his father in Saône-et-Loire, before being found the next day healthy and except in the Vaucluse.
If you locate the child or suspect, do not intervene yourself immediately call 197 , or send an email to: alerte.enlevement@interieur.gouv.fr